your body deserves more
Reiki Classes~Reiki Retreats~Attunements~Reiki Share
Contact Us

156 Bay Front Loop
Winchester Bay, Oregon
Wednesday – Friday:
10:00 am -4:00 pm ( and by appt)
Saturday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
(closed Sun- Tuesday)
Sarita Brown, Reiki Master Teacher and Reiki counselor, has been a practicing Reiki lover for over 20 years.
She spent three years in Peru where she began to teach workshops and do attunements for travelers and volunteers who were working in local NGOs.
During that time, she discovered the real power of group Reiki share, of the dynamic physical benefits of Reiki treatments and developed several Reiki art workshops and Reiki writing workshops.
She lives in Winchester Bay on the beautiful Oregon Coast with her husband, Jake, and her fabulous teenaged daughters. Tori and Bella are the inspirations for her children's book on Reiki, On the Mountain Came the Light: the story of Dr. Mikao Usui and Reiki.
She is also bio- mom to two amazing grown-ups, Lucas and Zoe, who practice emotional and physical healing each in their own way.
She owns and operates conrad.books . with her husband Jake in Winchester Bay where poetry, art and free coffee are readily available.